The Surprising Benefits Of Choosing Refractive Cataract Surgery

eye surgeon during cataract surgery

There’s Far More to This Procedure Than Getting Your Cataracts Removed

Blurred or yellowed vision. Difficulty seeing when driving at night. Finding it hard to read or perform tasks that involve focusing up-close.

You know these symptoms all too well. These are the tell-tale signs that cataracts have started to cloud your vision. These common symptoms can be distressing, affecting your quality of life, but you don’t have to let cataracts affect you any longer.

With the latest diagnostic and treatment technology, cataract surgeons can remove your cataracts and improve your vision at the same time.

A refractive cataract surgery provider can offer a comprehensive solution, including:

  • A free consultation with advanced diagnostics.
  • A customized treatment plan.
  • The opportunity to treat both eyes on the same day.
  • Lenses that support your vision needs at near, medium, and far distances.
  • Premium intraocular lens implantation (IOL).
  • Fine-tuning your vision with LASIK after cataract surgery.
  • Special financing.

A Diagnostic Consultation Is a Critical First Step For Cataract Surgery

Before you undergo cataract surgery and explore your cataract lens options, a thorough analysis of your vision and eye health is the foundation of your treatment plan.

Exceptional technology and an individualized plan of care designed by an expert is the ideal approach before any refractive surgery.

Look for a refractive surgeon who offers a complimentary, thorough candidacy exam that uses state-of-the-art tools to determine the best approach for you, so you can get rid of your challenging cataract symptoms.

Cataract Surgery That Goes Beyond Cataract Removal

Say goodbye to relying on reading glasses! Cataract surgery today is far more advanced than basic surgeries that merely remove the cataracts. You can also complete your surgery on both eyes in the same day, unlike traditional cataract surgery. Refractive cataract surgery optimizes and enhances your vision after cataracts.

Refractive cataract surgery delivers these state-of-the-art options:

  • Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation to provide single-focus or full-focus vision, along with correcting vision challenges due to aging or astigmatism, depending on your vision needs.
  • Customized lenses, including light-adjustable lenses, that can be tailored to your prescription.
  • Additional laser surgery for fine-tuning your vision, including LASIK or Advanced Surface Ablation.

The best refractive cataract surgery providers in Kansas City offer a significant depth of expertise and value, no matter which cataract lens option is your best match. Vision correction surgery should never be a one-size-fits-all procedure.

Ensure Your Cataract Surgery Team Offers Financing Options

You also deserve payment options that meet your needs. Find out if the team you’ve selected offers Medicare coverage. Typically, Medicare covers a portion of refractive cataract surgery, although it is important to have the office run your benefits based on your specific needs to determine any out-of-pocket costs.

Also ask if the team you’ve selected has special financing options or promotions. These additional benefits will help make the cost of your procedure even more affordable. Your experience should be about you, your eye and vision health, and a brand-new quality of life after refractive cataract surgery.

Look For a Team That Offers Thorough Aftercare For Cataract Surgery

After your procedure, you should look forward to additional care from your surgery team, including follow-up appointments and a plan to help you return to daily life without the symptoms of cataracts. A leading team will make you feel at ease during your follow-up appointments. They will answer your questions and address your concerns, so you feel supported, even after you begin to see the benefits of your surgery.

Choose a Complete Refractive Cataract Surgery Experience

When you pick a team like Durrie Vision, you’re not just another patient coming through our doors. You deserve a treatment plan delivered with expertise, warmth, customization, and care.That’s why we take great care throughout your entire experience, from your free consultation to your final post-operative visit.

At Durrie Vision, you have a refractive surgeon that goes above and beyond for you, so you can get back to your life with a solution for your vision needs. We look forward to offering cataract lens options that are customized for you and delivering the comprehensive eye care we’re known for.

Schedule your free consultation online or call (913) 491-3330 today to experience the many advantages of getting refractive cataract surgery at Durrie Vision.