Give Your Eyes Time to Adjust to Your Laser Vision Correction
The most advanced LASIK surgery, SBK LASIK, is a safe procedure that results in improved vision generally within a day after surgery. But during your recovery time – and for about a month after your procedure – you should expect certain changes and symptoms as your vision stabilizes.
Major side effects are rare, but always feel free to contact Durrie Vision if you have any questions after your laser vision correction procedure.
Mild Eye Discomfort After LASIK Surgery
Immediately after your laser vision correction, you may experience some mild discomfort in your eyes. These can include light sensitivity or the sensation of something in your eye.
Light sensitivity can be relieved by wearing a pair of quality sunglasses after your procedure, for as long as necessary, and always when you’re outdoors in the sun.
The sensation of having something in your eye is most commonly a symptom of dry eyes, which will occur for several weeks after your treatment. It’s important for you to not rub your eyes, especially for about a week after your surgery, as this could dislodge your corneal flap.
Instead, continue using the preservative-free tears that your eye surgeon recommends. Many people find they use these six to eight times per day for the first 12 weeks or so. The dryness will taper off over time.
Red Eyes
Because our LASIK surgery procedure creates a corneal flap – you may experience some redness in the whites of your eyes during recovery.
Over time, the redness will resolve; rely on your lubricating eye drops for relief.
Prescription Eye Drops After Laser Vision Correction
While you’re at Durrie Vision for your procedure, you’ll receive a series of eye drops to prepare your eyes for laser vision correction, but also to help you through the recovery period.
Before your LASIK surgery, your refractive eye surgeon will instruct you to pick up prescription eye drops, which you’ll then use for about a week after your procedure to help prevent inflammation and infection. These, combined with your lubricating eye drops, will keep your eyes healthy as you recover.
Eye Shields for Sleeping
After your LASIK surgery, we’ll provide you with a set of eye shields to wear while you sleep. These will help prevent you from accidentally rubbing your eyes, or making contact with your pillow, pets, or partner while you snooze.
Eye shields protect your corneal flap, so you’ll want to wear them the first two nights after LASIK SBK. Of course, there is no inherent harm in continuing to wear them the remainder of the week, if it makes you feel more comfortable.
Things to Avoid after Laser Vision Correction
The day before, the day of, and for a week afterward, avoid applying eye makeup, lotion, or other creams near your eye. Instead, drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
You also should avoid swimming or hot tubs for two weeks after LASIK SBK. You should wear goggles should you enter a body of water after those two weeks. Doing so protects your corneas while they heal.
For the first week after your surgery, you’ll want to avoid particularly dusty environments and work to avoid getting soap and water in your eyes, too. Wear eye protection if you’re exposed to home remodeling, woodworking shops, and more.
You can return to your regular exercise routine about two days after laser vision correction, but wear eye protection when playing contact or racquet sports.
Vision Fluctuations are Totally Expected
Although you’ll experience a rapid improvement in vision, as your brain and eyes adjust to your new vision, you may experience some fluctuations in clarity.
If you had a strong eyeglasses or contact lens prescription, it may take even longer for your vision to level out, so to speak.
If you experience times when your vision is slightly blurred, you may want to try an additional dose of your lubricating drops, or to rest your eyes away from a computer or smartphone screen.
You may also experience halos or glare around light sources, like headlights, lamps, or your television screen. This is a common side effect, which usually resolves within a few months after your laser vision correction procedure.
Remember: if you ever experience something you find concerning, please contact Durrie Vision! We’re always happy to answer your questions and provide guidance.
We’ll Prepare You for Your LASIK Surgery Recovery
After your Advanced Ocular Analysis (AOA), our signature exam, our eye surgeon will walk you through what to expect from your laser vision correction procedure. The day of your treatment, we’ll review everything you need to know again, so it’s fresh in your mind, and send you home with information to help you as you recover.
Durrie Vision is a pioneer in laser vision correction; come visit us in Overland Park to learn how you can start seeing better with one of our procedures, including cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange.

Author Bio: Jason E. Stahl, MD
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